Random Generation of Git Graphs
Julien Courtiel, Martin Pépin
Since the 1st September 2023, I am a French “maître de conférences” (≈ lecturer) at GREYC (Unicaen (Université Caen Normandie) in the Amacc team. Before that I did a post-doc with Olivier Bodini at LIPN in the CALIN team, a post-doc with Thomas Ehrhard at IRIF in the “Algèbre et Calcul” group, and I did my PhD at LIP6 (Sorbonne Université) in the APR team under the supervision of Antoine Genitrini and Frederic Peschanski. My research revolves around the study of programming concepts under the lens of combinatorics, providing theoretical and algorithmic tools to analyse them. In particular, I develop efficient (uniform) random generation algorithms to experiment with and test complex systems that would be hard to tackle exhaustively.
I also like to program a lot, for fun and also as a research activity. I consider it to be a real part of research to provide a clean and usable implementation of the algorithms and ideas we develop; and I dedicate a good part of my time to it.
Random Generation of Git Graphs
Julien Courtiel, Martin Pépin
Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling of directed ordered acyclic graphs
Martin Pépin, Alfredo Viola
Uniform SAmplINg with BOLTZmann [tool paper]
Matthieu Dien, Martin Pépin
SYNASC 2023 - 25th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
Automatic Synthesis of Random Generators for Numerically Constrained Algebraic Recursive Types
Ghiles Ziat, Vincent Botbol, Matthieu Dien, Arnaud Gotlieb, Martin Pépin, Catherine Dubois
Accepted for presentation at LOPSTR 2022
A quantitative study of fork-join processes with non-deterministic choice: application to the statistical exploration of the state-space
Antoine Genitrini, Martin Pépin, Frédéric Peschanski
Theoretical Computer Science 2021, 912
Lexicographic unranking of combinations revisited
Antoine Genitrini, Martin Pépin
Algorithms 2021, 14(3), 97
Unlabelled ordered DAGs and labelled DAGs: constructive enumeration and uniform random sampling
Antoine Genitrini, Martin Pépin, Alfredo Viola
LAGOS 2021 - XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium
Statistical Analysis of Non-Deterministic Fork-join Processes
Antoine Genitrini, Martin Pépin, Frédéric Peschanski
ICTAC 2020 - 17th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
Directed Ordered Acyclic Graphs - Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling
April 2023 Automata and applications seminar [slides]Directed Ordered Acyclic Graphs - Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling
March 2023 Séminaire algo at GREYC [slides]Directed Ordered Acyclic Graphs - Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling
March 2023 Journées ALEA 2023 [slides]Directed Ordered Acyclic Graphs - Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling
February 2023 Séminaire Combinatoire énumérative et analytique - IRIF [slides]Directed Ordered Acyclic Graphs - Asymptotic analysis and efficient random sampling
January 2023 Second meeting of the LambdaComb ANR project [slides]Directed Ordered Acyclic Graphs - Enumeration, uniform sampling and links with classical labelled DAGs
November 2022 Séminaire CALIN [slides]Constructive enumeration and uniform random sampling of DAGs
March 2021 Journées ALEA [slides]Constructive enumeration and uniform random sampling of DAGs
January 2021 LIGM algorithmic seminar [slides]Constructive enumeration and uniform random sampling of DAGs
December 2020 RAPA2 project meeting [slides]Statistical Analysis of Non-Deterministic Fork-join Processes
December 2020 ICTAC'20 [slides]Statistical Analysis of Non-Deterministic Fork-join Processes
October 2020 CLA'20 [slides] [recording]Éléments de programmation 2 (LU1IN002)
Jan. 2021 (38h) - Written exercises
Programming class in C for first year students.
UE d'ouverture (partie algo) (OUV)
Sept. 2020
Projet STL (PSTL)
Feb. 2020
Tutoring of master students on programing projects:
Programmation fonctionnelle (LU2IN019)
Sept. 2019 (38h) - Written & practical exercises
Introduction to functional programming in OCaml for second year students.
Groupe de recherche (GRAPA)
Sept. 2019 (6h)
Tutoring of master students on a research project.
Ateliers de Recherche Encadrée (ARE CALRAIS)
Feb. 2019 (20h) - Tutoring
Introduction to the research methodology for first year students.
Fonctions et procédures de calcul (2I008)
Feb. 2019 (19h) - Practical exercises
Programming class in OCaml in the functional and imperative styles for second year students.
Algorithmique Avancée (ALGAV)
Sept. 2018 (10h) - Written exercises
Advanced algorithmic class for master students.
Analyse d'algorithmes et Génération aléatoire (AAGA)
Sept. 2018 (8h) - Practical exercises
Algorithm analysis and random generation of integers and tree-like structures.
Éléments de programmation 1 (I1001)
Sept. 2018 (19h) - Practical exercises
Introduction to programming for first year students.